Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz.perennial herbs, 20-60 cm tall, rhizomes tuberous. Stems erect, usually from the average and lower annex secretary, all bland and glabrous. Average cauline brand accept 3-6 cm continued petiole, brand blade usually 3-5 pinnate all crack, rarely and assorted not Ye Weichang egg-shaped crack. Crabbed lobes 1-2 pairs, oblanceolate, elliptic, or oblong, 4.5 7 cm long, 1.5 2 cm wide; Top affiliate beyond than crabbed lobes, but continued ovate, ellipsoidal or elliptic; Since the average axis leaves up or down, brand is smaller, breach and average cauline brand samples, affix the lower allotment of bloom not crack, egg-shaped or oblong, sessile; Or a lot of axis not crack, but the absolute and assorted accept 3-5 pinnate brand of the accomplished crack.
All brand arrangement thin, papery, both abandon of the green, glabrous, allowance or affiliate allowance with continued or abbreviate hair of acupuncture bound or accomplished teeth. Axis branches at the top, a aloof annual arch plants usually accept 6-10 arch inflorescence, bloom terminal, but not obvious. Bracts green, 3-4 cm long, aggravate appearance pinnate crack. Involucre, KuanZhong, 3-4 cm in diameter. Absolute bracts 9-10 layer, cover arrangement; In the alien band and alien band continued ellipsoidal or triangular, 6-8 mm long; Average lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, 11-16 mm long; The centermost advanced linear, 2 cm long, acme purple.
All blade acme obtuse, allowance white spider silk. Floret 1.7 cm long, amaranth, acme bump 5 abysmal cleft. Achene astern cone, 7.5 mm long, was consistent avoid fu close white continued beeline hair. Pappus bristles plume, bedraggled white, 1.5 cm long, abject accumulated into ring. And 8 to 10 months.
more about: Langehead Atractylodes Rhizome Extract
from: Pharmaceutical Ingredients