Avilamycin (avilamycin,) is also known as avi toxin, avila, is by the green color Streptomyces Tu57 (Streptomyces viridochromogenes Tu57) fermentation production of methyl hydroxy methoxy benzoic acid (DCIEA) an ester of garment rhzomorph class (eveminomycins) with a flat branches, the drug classes (curamycins) and torches toxin (flambamycins) is belong to sugar azithromycin group (orthosomycin, alto, and again the toxin) of chitosan class of antibiotics.
Avilamycin has been confirmed to a variety of gram positive bacteria have inhibition, including some pathogens, such as vancomycin antagonism of enterococcus, methoxyl benzyl penicillin antagonism of staphylococcus aureus and penicillin antagonism pneumonic diplococcus, but for gram-negative bacteria inhibition effect is poor. Avilamycin, moreover, has an indirect effect to e. coli, which can affect the bacterial flagellum and bacteria adhesion, and inhibit bacterial adhesion to host mucosal cell surface and suppressing bacteria infection, and inhibit the infection of the disease.