Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What is Humulus lupulus

Humulus lupulus belongs to a genus in the cannabinaceae family. It is a twining, hardy, herbaceous perennial, indigenous to Europe and best known as the main ingredient of beer and ale. Hops has been used as a mild sedative or sleep aid, with the dried strobile given in doses of 1.5 to 2 g. It has also a long and proven history of herbal use, mainly because its sedative effects on the body and mind. Humulus lupulus can also be made into a soothing, relaxing tea or grown and enjoyed for its luxurious, abundant foliage. It can be grown successfully in planting zones 5 through 8.
Hops flowers are much used as an infusion or can also be used to stuff pillows where the weight of the head will release the volatile oils. Also the fruiting bodies and all plant material can be used internally or externally.
It Gives mild cannabis-like high with relaxing qualities. Works well as a relaxation for the nerves and also for better sleeping. It also has been used traditionally to aid digestion.
Humulus lupulus can be extracted into alcohol or made as tea. Put 5-10 grams of the dried fruits in a cup of boiling water and steep for about 15 minutes. Hops have been used for flavoring; hops and lupulin have been used as a digestive aid, for mild sedation, diuresis, and treating menstrual problems, but no clinical studies are available to confirm these uses.
More about: Buy Humulus lupulus
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