Sunday, January 13, 2013

K class optical glass applications

K class optical glass is a high-quality quartz beach as raw material. Adding adapted accessories. Because of the attenuate apple has a top refractive index, and low burning and acceptable actinic stability, can be acclimated for the assembly of optical glass, acclimated in the accomplish of avant-garde camera, camera, telescope and added chief optical instruments lens. For example, a lao360% absolute lanthanum oxide, boron oxide b2o340% accepting accomplished optical backdrop of lanthanum glass, is the accomplish of avant-garde camera lens and a periscope lens basal optical materials. In addition, by application of some attenuate apple elements radiation characteristic, can aftermath radiation affidavit glass. Assembly of the articles to the raw abstracts of some oxides, hydroxides is, nitrate and carbonate, and according to the compound requirements, addition of a phosphate and fluoride. In adjustment to ensure the accuracy of the glass, we have to carefully ascendancy the black impurities, such as iron, chromium, copper, manganese, cobalt, nickel and other. Proportioning requirements accurately weighing, mixing. The capital assembly action is melting, forming, annealing and inspection.

K class optical glass broadly acclimated in telescope, microscope, gun aiming mirror, camera, motion-picture machine, barometer instrument, analyzer, the optical apparatus optical equipment. acclimated in the accomplish of optical instruments and accouterment arrangement lens, prism, mirror, window bottle material. Including the colourless optical bottle (usually referred to as optical bottle ), coloured optical glass, radiation aggressive optical glass, radiation affidavit bottle and quartz glass. Optical bottle with top transparency, allure and Physics ( anatomy and performance) on the top uniformity, with specific and absolute optical constants. Optical bottle and added bottle is altered it as optical arrangement is an basic allotment of, have to accommodated the requirements of optical imaging. Therefore, optical bottle superior acumen aswell includes some appropriate and a austere quota. Optical bottle abstraction adjustment classical torn affliction method, rolling adjustment and casting method, but is added and added broadly acclimated aperture abstraction ( with a individual affliction or even melting address aqueous ), can anon cull rod or bottomward burden or aperture abstraction admeasurement semifinished product, advance actual appliance amount and a bead the amount of accomplished products.

more about: buy K class optical glass, K class optical glass

from: glass production

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