Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What is Malachite Green oxalate?

Malachite Green oxalate alkali is acclimated as a biological counterstain adjoin fuchsin which stains gram-positive and gram-negative bacilli brownish colors and safranin which stains nuclei red.

A labelled triphenylmethane dye with fungicidal and bound antibacterial activity. The appellation Malachine Green applies to the oxalate as able-bodied as the chloride.

Malachite Green oxalate alkali stains accomplishments to the surrounding tissue blue-green. It is aswell acclimated as a pH Indicator amid pH 0.2 (green) - 1.8 (blue-green).

more about: Malachite Green Oxalate

from: Chemical Reagent

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Corsvenor Momordica fruit extract artefact description

Botanical Source:The fruit of Luo Han Guo(Momordica Grosvenori Swingle)

Botanical name: Momordicagrosvenori bachelor

Part used: fruits

Appearance:Yellow powder

Specification:Mogroside Ⅴ 20% - 55%,Mogrosides≥80% HPLC

Application:Medicine、Functional aliment products, Natural sweetener

Description: bare to chicken crumb with balmy odor, tastes candied

Esgoside: 80%

Particle size: 80mesh

Molecular Formula:C60H102O29

Molecular Weight:1287.43

Loss on drying: 5%

Heavy metal: 10ppm


Packaging Details:25kg carton boom (32cm*58cm) or 1kg antithesis bag (10cm*15cm) or by appeal of clients.

Shelf Life: 2 years if appropriately stored.

Storage: Preserve in deeply sealed, ablaze and oxygen aggressive containers.

To learn more: Corsvenor Momordica fruit extract

visit: Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Chinese Wild yam P.E.

Wild yam, frequently accepted as colic basis or Mexican Wild yam is built-in to China and North America. Wild yam, whose botanical name is Dioscorea villosa, is a tuberous backcountry (and not a root, as it is commonly thought) that grows in wet and boiling regions.

It can be begin growing in thickets all over the world, area there is tropical, subtropical and abstemious climate. Wild yam and its extract accept been acclimated in abounding countries about the apple for its abounding benefits.

To learn more: Wild Yam P.E.

visit: Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Echinacea overview

Echinacea (Echinacea) comes to an echinacea plant in the southern United States and Canada accord to this brand absolute of eight kinds of altered varieties, which are currently getting acclimated as Pharmaceutical development, are mainly three types: Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea as Echinacea purpurea), Echinacea angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) and White Echinacea (echinacen pallida) known.

Polysaccharides, flavonoids, caffeic acerbic derivatives, capital oils, polyacetylenes, alkyl amines (alkylamides) and alkaloids: abounding phytochemicals are actively complex in its role of echinacea. It is accepted that polysaccharides can activate the beef of the physique in adjustment to action the infection.

more about: Echinacea Herb P.E

from: Pharmaceutical Ingredients