Monday, August 5, 2013

The clinical application of winstrol

winstrol is white or almost white crystalline powder, odorless. Almost insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, chloroform, slightly soluble in acetone. Confined stored. This product anabolic activity of the male role of strong and weak differentiation index of about 120. For the treatment of a variety of related vascular diseases, such as Behcet's syndrome (Behcet syn-drome) in the vascular phenomena, hereditary angioneurotic edema, Raynaud's syndrome, superficial thrombophlebitis, venous ulcers . Can be used for chronic wasting disease, osteoporosis, and treatment with growth hormone Turner syndrome common (Turn-erssyndrome)
Clinical Applications: female patient application androgenic or anabolic hormones, can cause masculine phenomenon, such as hirsutism, a long beard, sound thicker and low tone, acne, usually in withdrawal symptoms may gradually subside. Male patients with long-term use of this class of hormones, drugs may be converted to estrogen in the body, and may inhibit gonadotropin secretion caused testicular atrophy and inhibition of spermatogenesis; due to suppression of endogenous testosterone production, can lead to impotence; Children's long-term application androgens, can seriously affect growth and development, such as acceleration acting on epiphyseal closure can still persist for several months after stopping; application anabolic hormones, can lead to obesity. 17 There are α-methyl androgen effects on the liver damage is more serious interference with intrahepatic bile capillary major excretory function, so that the central lobular capillary cholestasis in bile duct, resulting in cholestatic liver cell damage, clinical manifestations of bile cholestatic hepatitis. Long-term use of androgen, may be liver cancer, prostate cancer and renal cell carcinoma. In addition, because there is sodium retention effect, can cause edema. Used with caution in patients with kidney disease and heart failure, prostate cancer, pregnant women were banned.

More about:winstrol suppliers
From:Natural herbal extracts

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