Thursday, August 22, 2013

Troxerutin purposes and pharmacological

Troxerutin for cerebral thrombosis and cerebral embolism caused by hemiplegia, aphasia, and myocardial infarction premenstrual syndrome, arteriosclerosis, central retinitis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, increased vascular permeability caused by edema.
For cerebral thrombosis caused by hemiplegia, aphasia, atherosclerosis, pre-infarction syndrome, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency, central retinitis, diabetic retinitis and increased vascular permeability caused by the edema. This product is by clinical application showed wide range of applications, good effect, especially for the treatment of occlusive cerebrovascular disease better.
Pharmacology Pharmacokinetics: inhibition of platelet aggregation, to prevent thrombosis while to confront 5 - hydroxytryptamine, bradykinin induced vascular injury, increased capillary resistance, reducing capillary permeability, prevents vascular permeability resistance caused by elevated edema in acute ischemic brain injury has a significant protective effect.

ACTION: The strains of rutin hydroxyethylation made ​​by semi-synthetic flavonoids, red blood cells and platelet aggregation inhibiting role in preventing thrombosis, and can increase the oxygen content in the blood, improve microcirculation, promote angiogenesis to enhance the collateral circulation. It has a protective effect of endothelial cells that can fight 5 - serotonin and bradykinin induced vascular injury, increased capillary resistance, reducing capillary permeability, increased vascular permeability has prevented edema caused effect, and have anti-radiation damage, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-ulcer and other effects.

More about:Troxerutin suppliers
From:Natural herbal extracts

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