Thursday, August 29, 2013

Pharmacological effects Terlipressin Acetate

Into the portal circulation in patients with cirrhosis of the vein and venous congestion may occur between the vascular anastomosis, portal venous pressure phenomenon. Occurs most frequently in the azygos vein anastomosis with esophageal between the esophageal varices. They become thick after expansion may rupture into the esophagus, causing vomiting life-threatening. Injection of pituitary hormone vasopressin can control bleeding. It causes severe contraction of visceral blood vessels thereby reducing portal pressure. However, after injection of vasopressin very short duration of action, and can cause side effects, such as angina, coronary artery contraction and increased fibrinolytic. This product is a prodrug of vasopressin, injected into the blood in the molecule glycyl generated by the enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis sustained low levels of vasopressin. It portal venous pressure to produce the desired effect, but changes in arterial blood pressure is much smaller than the use of vasopressin and blood fibrinolytic few not increase. Bolus once its role can be maintained approximately 4 ~ 6h.

More about:Terlipressin Acetate suppliers
From:natural food additive

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