Friday, May 12, 2017

What is the role of aldoenzyme

What is the role of aldoenzyme? For a lot of people, aldoenzymes are unfamiliar, and here's the introduction to it:
A lyase, narrow sense refers to the catalytic cracking of 1.6-2 - D - fructose phosphate generated 3 - phosphate - D - glyceraldehyde reaction with alpha dihydroxy acetone phosphate enzyme (at the same time in the sugar dysplasia can be catalyzed the reaction of the reverse reaction), namely 1.6-2 - D - fructose phosphate aldolase (Ec (in general, enzymes that catalyze the same form of reaction, for example, are also known as aldotase.)
The clinical significance of aldehydes
Serum ALD is used to diagnose muscle and liver disease.
(1) muscle disease: increased serum ALD activity in patients with dystrophy and multiple myositis. In muscular dystrophy, the highest levels of enzyme activity, such as large, fattened, and distal, were only mildly elevated or normal. In general, the activity of ALD decreases with age, and the enzyme activity is most noticeable before the active period and the muscle atrophy, so it can help diagnose the disease. In patients with myocardial infarction, the serum ALD is elevated, usually in the chest pain of 24 ~ 48h peak, the change rule is the same as the AST, but it changes earlier than the AST. The angina is normal.
(2) hepatic disease: an acute viral hepatitis of ALD is parallel to ALT. Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and obstructive jaundice are only mildly elevated.

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