Friday, April 14, 2017

e effect of sertraline hydrochloride

No matter what kind of indication, the treatment of antidepressant therapy, all patients should have the appropriate monitoring and closely observe the clinical symptoms worsen, suicidal thoughts and behavior change anomalies, especially in the first few months of treatment, drug and increase or reduce the dose.
Sertraline hydrochloride, indications for sertraline is used to treat the symptoms of depression, including associated with anxiety, have had no history of mania or depression. After curative effect is satisfied, continue to take up forests to effectively prevent the recurrence of depression and send again.
Treatment with antidepressants with depression or other psychiatric or mental disorder of children, families should remind and so it is necessary to inspect whether patients with excitement, irritability, behavior changes, other symptoms of the above mentioned, and a tendency to commit suicide, once appear, immediately report to the health care professionals, these symptoms. Families and caregivers should be daily above inspection carried out on the patient. Use s song cemetery, prescription should be from the beginning of the minimum dose, and with good patient management, in order to reduce the risk of overdose.

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